STQI Downtown Toronto School
Your Journey to a Strong Mind and Body

STQI Grading Exams 2024 October

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Starts Saturday, October 26, 2024
From 10:00 am to 5:00 pm (7 hours)
Fee: $35.00
Maximum 40 participants
39 spots available
Registration Required
Deadline to register is:
Sunday, October 06, 2024 at 11:59pm
(see form below or click here)
Dao Shi, Substitute
STQI Toronto Downtown Headquarters
393 Dundas Street West, 2nd Floor
Toronto, Ontario M5T 1G6
Thousand Student Hall and Meditation Hall
The northwest and northeast training rooms

What is the Shaolin Grading System?

The Shaolin Grading System is designed to provide a clear and objective method to test one’s capability in a particular discipline of traditional Shaolin Martial Arts. It was developed by the disciples of Master Shi Guo Song's with his support.

At present, we provide Grading Exams for Shaolin Discplines of Kung Fu, Tai Chi, and Qigong. The exams are normally held twice a year, in April and in October. It is open to students from any STQI school in the world, including those students are training through the platform.

There are 5 levels of grading for each Shaolin Discipline.

Why would I want to be graded?

Grading will help one to see where they stand compared to the standard, and help one to identify areas that need more work.

Parents can rely on the grading exam results to see how their child is progressing.

It also helps one to become more motivated to train and excel, and achieve a higher capability.

All instructors and assistants are required to pass Grading Level 1 in their respective discipline. Instructors running their own classes must pass Grading Level 2 or higher. This ensures a higher quality level of teaching at our schools.

More Information Available

For more information about the grading process and specifics for each discipline, please click the link below.

About the Grading Exams

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Phone: 647-724-8004
Mailing Address:
  393 Dundas Street West, 2nd Floor
  Toronto, Ontario M5T 1G6

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