Shaolin Temple Quanfa Institute
S.T.Q.I. Downtown Toronto School

Learn to Cure Your Allergies Workshop

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Starts Thursday, December 29, 2022
From 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm (2 hours)
Fee: $100.00 + HST
Maximum 20 participants
13 spots available


Dao Shi, Shifu


STQI Toronto Downtown Headquarters
393 Dundas Street West, 2nd Floor
Toronto, Ontario M5T 1G6
Thousand Student Hall and Meditation Hall
The northwest and northeast training rooms

Event Description

Is It Possible to Get Rid of Allergies?

People think they have to live with allergies for the rest of their lives, and cope with it through medication or avoidance.

Some of the more common allergies include nuts, milk or lactose intolerance, shellfish, headaches, animal dander, dust, and eggs. Allergies can cause itchiness, rashes, stuffy nose, teary eyes, digestion issues, and other uncomfortable symptoms.

As we get older, we tend to develop more and more allergies.

What many people do not realize is that allergies are caused by a subconscious process, and that people with allergies are not actually sick, even though symptoms may appear similar to someone with a sickness.

So yes! Allergies can be eliminated!

In this exclusive and inaugural workshop, Master Dao will help you to better understand allergies, why they happen, and show you how to get rid of your allergies through a series of light exercises that include Shaolin qigong and meditation.

How Will the Workshop Work?

At the workshop, you'll be able to work on one of your tangible allergies that you can bring in a bottle or a clear sealable bag (we will send you specific instructions later).

We will have specific exercises for you to do, including how to safely validate your allergy and strength of allergy, and qigong exercises that anyone can learn and do to remove the allergy.

Master Dao will also apply qigong therapy to a few chosen participants as part of the demonstration.

Have Allergies Been Successfully Eliminated Before?

Yes! Many of Dao's advanced qigong students have eliminated their allergies, such as lactose intolerance, shrimp, lobster, grass, and even the smell of leather.

Master Dao himself has eliminated his own allergies to milk, cheese, and hot peppers, and will share his experiences at the workshop.

Participants do not need to have any knowledge or experience with qigong and our workshop will give you a brief introduction to qigong and a clear understanding why this works.

How Much Will This Cost?

This workshop is greatly discounted at $100 + HST. After this inaugural workshop, the fee will be $300 + HST, so consider taking advantage of this offer while you can! We plan to repeat this workshop each year.

Contact Us Connect
Phone: 647-724-8004
Mailing Address:
  393 Dundas Street West, 2nd Floor
  Toronto, Ontario M5T 1G6

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