Shaolin Temple Quanfa Institute
S.T.Q.I. Downtown Toronto School
Written by Master Dao on Saturday, December 24, 2022

What is New for the 2023 Winter Term


Winter Term Begins Monday, January 2, 2023.

Shaolin Medicine Small Intestine Illustration

This winter, we’ll continue to train and strengthen our body and mind. Training in kung fu, tai chi, or qigong will help support your vital organs and promote a healthy life. This term we especially emphasize the small intestine. See below for more about the Shaolin Medicine perspective on this organ and why it's important!


Key Events this Term

March Break Kung Fu Camp for Kids from 5 to 16 years of age

Register early to ensure your child gets in! This popular event is limited to 20 children. You can find more information and register here:

[Camp Information and Registration Link]


Meditation Workshop

Learn how Shaolin Meditation and philosophy can help bring you peace. The next worldwide meditation workshop will be held on February 6, 2023, at 7pm EST. Always free and available in-person or virtually on Zoom. For more information and to register:

[Meditation Workshop Registration Link]


Grading Exams

The Grading Exams are back! Usually held twice a year, students can get objective rating and feedback from qualified judges. There are 5 grading levels for qigong, tai chi, and kung fu (adults and kids). The exams will take place at the end of April (after the Winter Term is over). An announcement will be made in February with more information and how to register.


Sanda Fight Night

Entertaining exhibition Shaolin Sanda matches will be held during the last week of classes. These exciting matches showcase our students ability to demonstrate control, accuracy, speed, technique, and strength. All students are welcome to come watch the matches for free and cheer for all of our participants.


Shaolin Classes this Term

Shaolin Kung Fu

Shaolin Kung Fu emphasizes core training and developing powerful muscles. Strengthening the core improves the circulation of the small intestines and increases available energy for digestion and fighting pathogens.

This term we will have some fun and explore various animal hand postures for self defence applications, such as the leopard, mantis, snake, and crane. 

We will also continue running the Shaolin Challenges during the last week of classes in April.

Shaolin Tai Chi

Shaolin Tai Chi emphasizes breath with gentle movements to invigorate the body for health and vitality. Breathing better with light movements in the core will encourage and support the functions of the small intestine.

We'll be emphasizing silk reeling theory and techniques in our classes, which can be generally applied to all of our techniques, sparring exercises, and forms.

Shaolin Qigong

Shaolin Qigong is largely about awareness of one's energy, and learning how to move the Breath Qi around the body. Qigong  will improve your understanding and awareness of the small intestine, including how it communicates with you, how well it functions, and how it impacts your vital spirit and physically, according to your lifestyle choices.

In the Qigong Foundation class, we will emphasize the Breath Qi along with specific qigong exercises to support the digestive process..

In the Qigong Forms class, we will investigate the Small Intestine Meridian. We will learn to diagnose our tongue, pulse, and every acupressure point for advanced warning of problems, and to apply qi flow, massage, and other therapeutic techniques to support the small intestine. 


Shaolin Medicine Perspective on the Small Intestine

The small intestine is one of the vital organs of our body. If your small intestine is not functioning well, you can experience many symptoms such as lack of energy, getting sick easily, bloating, cramps, pain in the shoulders and arms, poor immune system, and undigested food in the stool. 

On the other hand, understanding how your small intestine works, how it communicates to you through symptoms and other internal signals, and learning how to take care of it, will help boost your vitality, help you overcome pathogens more easily, and help you to make better lifestyle choices.

The Small Intestine belongs to the Fire Element and is about the invigoration of the spirit. It is responsible for the principal digestion of food and liquids into quality essence, which then enters the blood stream to be processed by the Spleen and Liver, providing fuel and energy throughout the body. 

We must learn to understand the small intestine and make better lifestyle choices to support a fruitful and energetic life.

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  Toronto, Ontario M5T 1G6

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