Shaolin Temple Quanfa Institute
S.T.Q.I. Downtown Toronto School
Written by Master Dao on Tuesday, April 04, 2023

What is New For the 2023 T2 Summer Term

Summer Term Begins Tuesday, May 2, 2023. Register online at

The summer is a very active time of the year. With the warmer weather, there is more 'Net Qi' (i.e. energy) available and it is easier to be motivated. Therefore, it's a great time to push yourself and train harder - 加油 jiāyóu (go for it)!

Once again, we expect to reach our target base of 175 students for the summer term. Please consider registering early to ensure your spot!


Key Events this Term

Summer Kung Fu Camp for Kids from 5 to 16 years of age - 4 Weeks Available from August 7 to September 1st

Register early to ensure your child gets in! This popular event is limited to 20 children, and there are already less than 10 spots left for most weeks. Our kids camps focus on having fun while training hard and learning about life philosophy. It's a rewarding experience where children must learn to work together to overcome various challenges. You can find more information and register here:

[Summer Camp & Events Link]


Meditation Workshop

Learn how Shaolin Meditation and philosophy can help bring you peace. The next worldwide meditation workshop will be held on Monday, May 29th, 2023, at 7pm EST. The topic will be 'How to overcome regret'.

Have you ever strongly felt that you made some poor choices, said something, or did something, that you wish you did not? Every time you are faced with a similar situation, you feel regret and suffer internally. In this session, we will explore the idea of regret, to better understand and accept the choices we have made, so that we can move forward peacefully. Always free! Available in-person or virtually on Zoom. For more information and to register:

[Meditation Workshop Registration Link]


Shaolin Retreat Camping

Our popular annual event has returned and this year we plan to make it an even bigger success - new exciting location, new possibilities, and more fun for everyone and families!

This year the retreat will be held from July 12th to 16th. There are 2 parts for the retreat:

Part 1: Meditation and Philosophy (July 12th to 14th, Wednesday to Friday)

Part 2: Kung Fu Fitness and Fun (July 14th to 16th, Friday to Sunday)

Join us for one part or both! 

Shaolin Retreats are organized by Master Dao with the help of his fellow Shaolin Brothers, and are intended to provide a space and time for people to develop spiritual connection and foster our Shaolin community. For more information and to register:

[Shaolin Retreat Registration Link]


Social Events and Sports Events

Our social committee will continue to organize free events to help foster our community, such as movie and game nights, as well as social sports such as basketball, soccer, and volleyball. The next Social Sports will be on Saturday May 13th at 4:30pm and Saturday, June 10th at 4:30pm. We will send out a sign up for this as we get closer to the date.

Sometime in the summer, we will have fun matches with the Markham school (as we usually do each year). Stay tuned throughout the summer term as we announce even more events!


Chinatown BIA Festival Performance

Watch our performance, or perform with us at the Chinatown BIA Festival! It's our biggest performance of the year, and this year we will  surely not disappoint. Usually held in mid to late August, actual date to be announced.


Sanda Fight Night

Entertaining exhibition Shaolin Sanda matches will be held during the last week of classes. These exciting matches showcase our students' ability to demonstrate control, accuracy, speed, technique, and strength. All students are welcome to come watch the matches for free and cheer for all of our participants.


Shaolin Classes This Term

Shaolin Kung Fu

Shaolin Kung Fu emphasizes core training and developing powerful muscles. Strengthening the core improves the circulation of your vital organs, and increases available energy in the body. Developing your physical prowess also means more white blood cells, muscle mass, bone density, and greatly increases your body's pathogenic defense systems.

This term we will continue to have some fun and explore various animal hand postures for self defence applications, such as the leopard, mantis, snake, and crane. 

We will also continue running the Shaolin Challenges during the last week of classes in August.

Shaolin Tai Chi

Shaolin Tai Chi emphasizes breath with gentle movements to invigorate the body for health and vitality. Breathing better means having more energy in the body and gentle movements improve deeper circulation for the vital organs. 

We'll be emphasizing balance theory in our classes, which can be generally applied to all of our techniques, sparring exercises, and forms.

Shaolin Qigong

Shaolin Qigong is largely about awareness of one's energy, and learning how to move the Breath Qi around the body. Qigong will improve your understanding and awareness of your energy (Qi) and make better lifestyle choices based on what you want in life.

In the Qigong Foundation class, we will emphasize the Breath Qi along with specific qigong exercises.

In the Qigong Forms class, we will investigate advanced qiflow techniques and practice advanced qigong forms.

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Phone: 647-724-8004
Mailing Address:
  393 Dundas Street West, 2nd Floor
  Toronto, Ontario M5T 1G6

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